Friday, 4 December 2015
My New Background
Just a quick random fact, I have actually been to the place where this photo was taken. it is in London. As I used to live in England, and all my family is there, we went back for a holiday, and visited London.
The Berkley Formal
Last night was the Berkley Farewell Formal. Aranui (my team) and a few others helped with decorations, selling tickets, and setting up the tables. I was lucky enough to help with painting and putting up decorations.
The theme this year was 'Boho Bazaar' which is sort of hippie, with peace signs, doves, hearts and hippie vans. I helped paint one of the murals, and put them up, blew up balloons and put them up, and strung the bunting. I was rather annoyed on the night when people started pulling down the balloons that took about half a block to put up, and popping them. Overall, I think the rec. centre looked good.
The dance started at 7:00pm, everyone brought a plate of food for dinner later on. Some of the teachers dressed up, and everyone looked nice. We did dances like the Mambo, Cha Cha, Waltz, Rock 'n' Roll, Cotton Eye Joe, some line dances, and the Macarena. We had to be "escorted" to dinner, and I ended up going with one of my friends.
It was definitely a good night (despite the balloon popping) and I enjoyed myself a lot. It was a nice way to finish off the year.
(As soon as there are photos, I will put them on this post.)
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Aranui Focus
Today my team (Aranui) performed our Focus. (Our assembly in a way.) Ours was based on Who We Are, our current UOI topic. We did it on stereotypes in fairy tales.
We split up into four groups, each group doing a different fairytale. My group did Sleeping Beauty. There was also Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Snow White. We then had to get rid of as many stereotypes as possible.
My group turned ours kiwiana. We had the three fairies as three Blackcaps (the New Zealand Cricket team) an ordinary lesbian girl for the princess,who rejects the prince after he saved her life. I quite liked our scene, I think it was original, and I just want to say congratulations to the people in our group who wrote it in practically a night.
The Cinderella group changed to Kiwiella, also kiwinated (if that's a word!) They had a welly (gumboot) for a slipper, the prince was ugly, and also rejected, and Kiwiella stayed single.
Snow White became Sunny and the happy people. The Hunter was female, the main character male, and was also killed, not saved. And instead of dwarfs, they had a village called Happy Village.
Little Red Riding hood turned into Little Red Riding Hat. The main character was male, the granny was the antagonist, and the baking he was going to give to the granny was shop bought, not made by the Mum.
Everyones scenes were made unique, and un-stereotypical, and I think we did well, considering our limited time frame.
Well Done to everyone!
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Blog Action Day 2015
A Ballet dance en pointe. (not me, that's just the title of the clip.)
This year, for Blog Action Day (click here for more information) the theme is "Raise your Voice", where we choose an issue important to us, and write about it. I chose to do health issues for dancers. This may seem like a small problem to some, but being a dancer myself, I know it is easy to obtain injuries due to dance.
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Pointe Shoes black-dance-ballerina-311217/ |
Some of the more common injuries due to dance, are around the lower back, shoulders, knees and ankles/feet. This can be caused by long hours of constant practise, which means constant stress on certian parts of your body. the place you dance at, (if it is cold, unless you warm up properly, you can injure your muscles) or the shoes, such as pointe shoes.
Being 'En Pointe' puts a lot of weight on certain areas of your foot, and this can lead to injuries.
One of these is injuries is called bunions. This happens at the base of your big toe, when the bone structure of your feet has been altered. Your big toe starts to lean into the second toe, changing your foot framework. This is often a genetic thing, but can be from wearing too tight shoes. Pointe shoes have to be tight to support your foot properly, so this can cause bunions.
These injuries can be prevented, by being careful and using good quality shoes. But, my issue is that most professional dancers don't receive proper care when they do get injured. This often cuts there dance careers short, most dancers retire at 30.
Yes, dancing is hard, and it is their choice to make whether they pursue that career, but so is every other job out there. I think they should still get proper support or care when injured, to prevent future problems that may happen as they get older, and when they retire.
Also, many dancers have to pay for expensive treatment themselves, or dance on that injury until they earn enough money to pay for it, which only worsens the problem. Can you imagine having a serious injury on your ankle or somewhere else, then having to dance around an hour en pointe? The stress around having to earn enough money? That is what professional dancers have to go through, just to get treatment for an injury.
I think a small portion of money should be set aside for dancers who obtain an injury through dance. This may keep them healthier, and keep them doing what they love for longer.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Exhibition Reflection
Over the eight weeks of Exhibition, I have learnt a lot, and recapped things I already knew, in not only research and presentation, but others such as writing emails to companies, distributing jobs fairly between group members, and more. This has certainly been a learning experience.
I learnt about the Inquiry Cycle, which I had never heard of before. Tuning in was I think a team building exercise, where we learnt each others strengths, weakness's and work ethics. We got to know each other and became a team.
Finding Out was I think one of the most challenging for my group, from splitting jobs, to actually getting the research done, we had a few arguments, but got there in the end. Going Further went smoother, we all got the job done, contributed ideas, and worked well as a team. We found valuable information, that helped later on. From then things went smoother, we got everything done, flowed smoother as a team, and had few hiccups.
On the actual day, I think we could have distributed jobs more evenly, as some didn't explain our Exhibition as others. Although, we were organised, as each of us was in charge of a line of inquiry.
If we ever did this again, I think I could have adjusted to my team members work ethics better, which may have produced a better result.
Overall, we got there in the end, with a few mistakes, but an overall achievement that I think our whole group was proud of.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Exhibition Day
Our Area Taken by Mrs Hogg |
Tested on koala bear taken by Mrs Hogg |
Our Area Taken by Mrs Hogg |
Presenting to people Taken by Mrs Hogg |
Presenting to a parent Taken by Mrs Hogg |
Last Term, on the last Thursday, we presented our exhibition. We had been working hard in groups of three to four people for around six weeks, we had been researching using our Lines of Inquiries, into our set topics. My group did animal testing. We presented through a mural, reports and different information dotted around our area.
We presented Block 3 and 4 to the school who came through and had a look around. We had to focus on engaging the audience by drawing them in to look around your area, getting them to ask questions, and explaining our Exhibition. Also showing off our books, as that is where all our progress, research, and ideas were.
We then presented in the evening to our parents, grandparents, friends and more, at 3:30. This was the same as presenting to the school, except a different audience, who I found were easier to present to, as they were patient when we were explaining, and understood our topic better, and actually asked us questions and got involved, which my group appreciated.
From Exhibition, I now have some questions that I would like to look further into, such as better alternatives to animal testing, different companies that don't use it, and different ways we can help.
I learnt a lot from this, and am hoping to spread the word on our opinions on animal testing.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Tech Arts
At school, we have rotated on to our next Tech Arts, and my group is in Media. We have recently takens ome Perspective photos, focusing on different ways at looking at things. Tomorrow, we will be sorting out the photos, so I will try to get some of ours, and put them on my blog.
Before changeover, we were in Drama, where we were focusing on Silent Acting and Elements and Techniques in Drama. The Elements are fro creating a good scene, and the Techniques are for a Scene. We looked into famous actors, like Charlie Chaplin, and more modern ones, and discussed the evolution of acting over time.
Next we will be in Music, which I am personally looking forward to.
Before changeover, we were in Drama, where we were focusing on Silent Acting and Elements and Techniques in Drama. The Elements are fro creating a good scene, and the Techniques are for a Scene. We looked into famous actors, like Charlie Chaplin, and more modern ones, and discussed the evolution of acting over time.
Next we will be in Music, which I am personally looking forward to.
Update on Science Fair
Last week, on Tuesday, the people from our school went to Waikato University for the Prize Giving Evening. I was really lucky and surprised to get one.
Our school did really well, with at least one prize in every category we entered, except for Open Class Photography. We had two 1st places, around two to three 2cnd places, a few thirds, and quite a few Highly Commended, which I was lucky enough to get.
Hunter ( won the overall Physical World Category, and Danielle ( won the special award for the best board with an agricultural theme.
We also won the school shield for the best overall entry from a school, which Mrs Hogg was chuffed about.
Well Done to everyone who entered, and a big thank you to everyone who helped with the Science Fair this year!
Our school did really well, with at least one prize in every category we entered, except for Open Class Photography. We had two 1st places, around two to three 2cnd places, a few thirds, and quite a few Highly Commended, which I was lucky enough to get.
Hunter ( won the overall Physical World Category, and Danielle ( won the special award for the best board with an agricultural theme.
We also won the school shield for the best overall entry from a school, which Mrs Hogg was chuffed about.
Well Done to everyone who entered, and a big thank you to everyone who helped with the Science Fair this year!
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Waikato Science Fair
Last week on Friday, the people from my school, including me, went to Hamilton Gardens for the Waikato Science Fair. We got interviewed about our projects, and were free to wonder around and look at everyone else's exhibits.
At our school, to got into the Waikato Science Fair, you had to get through the Berkley one. I was extremely surprised and grateful to get through, as everyone did a really good job. Completing a Science Fair project, especially if it's your first is a really big achievement.
As well people who entered a board, there were also some really amazing Scientific Drawings and Photography from Berkley as well.
I think our whole school did an amazing job, and we should all be really proud.
While I'm here, I would like to say a few thank yous. Mrs Hogg, for keeping track of my work, proof-reading, and getting the guillotine for everyone in the class.
Mrs Dromgool, for helping me develop my initial idea, and letting me borrow some equipment.
My mum, for using your highlighting skills when proof-reading my work, and helping me with presenting my board.
And finally, my dad, with out you, my Science Fair would have been reduced to a baking soda and vinegar volcano. You helped me with all things technical, proof-read and proof-read again my work, and put up with hundreds upon thousands of questions, most of them repeated, because I had forgotten the answer.
Thank you to you all, I couldn't have done it without you!
Orchestra Festival
At Berkley, we have a school Orchestra, which I play flute in. Last week on Thursday, we travelled to Te Awamutu Intermediate School, to be a part of the Primary and Intermediate Orchestra Festival, which was also a competition.
We played first, at around 10:00am, and we played five songs, which were:
- Indian Chant and Dance
- Royals by Lorde
- Raiders March From Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones
- Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
- Pirates of the Caribbean A medley of the Black Pearl and The Medallion Calls.
Berkley went well, we got a Silver Award. The judge for the Intermediate competition was the conductor of the Waikato Symphonic Orchestra, Rupert D'Cruze.
Overall, it was a nice day out, and I definitely enjoyed it.
We played first, at around 10:00am, and we played five songs, which were:
- Indian Chant and Dance
- Royals by Lorde
- Raiders March From Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones
- Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
- Pirates of the Caribbean A medley of the Black Pearl and The Medallion Calls.
Berkley went well, we got a Silver Award. The judge for the Intermediate competition was the conductor of the Waikato Symphonic Orchestra, Rupert D'Cruze.
Overall, it was a nice day out, and I definitely enjoyed it.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
If You Were a....
I decided to do a post on if I was an animal or bird or plant, what would I be? If you would like to say what you would like to be, please comment.
If I was a bird....
I would be barn owl because they have amazing hearing, can see really well and are formidable predators. To me, they look elegant and graceful when they are flying.
I would also want to be an hawk because I would love to be able to fly high, and just glide. I also love the colours on there feathers, and they look fierce, like warriors.
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a Barn owl |
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A hawk |
If I was a an animal....
I would be a panda. I love there fur, and although they are slow, the way they move. I know they are capable of attacking ferociously, which is another reason they have always been one of my favourite animals.
If I was a sea creature...
I would be a dolphin. They are clever and playful, and are fast swimmers. I love the way they swim. I would either want to be a Spinner dolphin, or a Fraser's as they both look sleek, fast and powerful.
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If I was a plant...
I would be Lady Anne's lace, which is a flower. It is a weed, but I have always found it graceful, and I love it's smell. We have a lot around our house, which is why I have learnt to appreciate it.
If I was a mythical creature...
I would be a fairy. Once again, I have always wanted to fly, and doing magic would be a bonus.
I would also want to be a dragon, like the one from the Eragon series. Christopher Paolini's drawings of them are exactly what I would I would imagine a dragon to look like.
1000 cranes
At school recently, as the 70th anniversary has recently been, we read a story about a young active girl living in Japan, who got leukaemia from the radiation 9 years after the bombing. Her friend folded her a golden crane, and told her how when a sick person folds a thousand cranes, they get a wish. She then proceeded to fold a thousand, before she died. She unfortunately only got to 694 before she passed away. But, her legacy lived on. Her friends and family folded the remaining cranes, and she got buried with 1000 cranes. They then set up a fundraiser, and made a statue with the girl holding a golden crane in her hand. In scripted into the base of the statue is the words,
" This is our prayer, this is our cry; peace to the world."
Which our whole class found touching. There is now a origami folding class by the statue, and there are now thousands of cranes under the statue.
So, we decided to fold a thousand cranes. By the first day we had almost 200, so we were pretty determined! We have now 999 and Mrs Hogg is folding the thousandth this evening in gold paper.
Click here for more information on Mrs Hogg's blog.
" This is our prayer, this is our cry; peace to the world."
Which our whole class found touching. There is now a origami folding class by the statue, and there are now thousands of cranes under the statue.
So, we decided to fold a thousand cranes. By the first day we had almost 200, so we were pretty determined! We have now 999 and Mrs Hogg is folding the thousandth this evening in gold paper.
Click here for more information on Mrs Hogg's blog.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Science Fair
Hello, sorry I haven't written a post in a while!
In class last term and the beginning of this term, my class have been working on our separate Science Fair projects. We have all spent most of last term, our holidays, and this first week to get our projects completed. Most of us are almost completed, all of us are busy cutting, gluing, backing and printing, finishing off our Science Fair boards to a high standard.
My project started off badly, as it didn't work at all. But once I changed my method, it started to work. (Which I was extremely grateful for!) I have now almost completed my board, I'm just cutting and gluing.
My aim was : To investigate whether you can play a simple tune by altering sound waves with coloured light."
My actual experiment was connecting a speaker to a solar panel through a parallel circuit. (click here for a good website that explains them well) I then shone a torch into a solar panel, and the light waves caused the vibrations in the speaker to change the pitch. I then shone different coloured lights, to see if this caused different pitches in note. This did work, however, I did not get a definite note for each colour. The colours I used were red, green, yellow and blue, as these are four of the colours that makes up white light.
While I'm here, I would like to say a few thank you's. Mrs Hogg, for keeping track of my work, proof-reading, and getting the guillotine for everyone in the class.
Mrs Dromgool, for helping me develop my initial idea, and letting me borrow some equipments.
My mum, for using your highlighting skills when proof-reading my work, and helping me with presenting my board.
And finally, my dad, with out you, my Science Fair would have been reduced to a baking soda and vinegar volcano. You helped me with all things technical, proof-read and proof-read again my work, and put up with hundreds upon thousands of questions, most of them repeated, because I had forgotten the answer.
Thank you to you all, I couldn't have done it without you!
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Japanese Quiz
Recently, my school entered two teams into a Japanese Trivia Quiz, and I was in one of the teams. The quiz we went to was out of the schools in Waikato who entered. The winner went to the New Zealand wide competition.
There were 6 rounds, 10 questions for each round. There was an interval in the middle with food and drink provided, which was yummy.
My team came 4th, which was surprise as we were the only middle school there, and we got 37 out of 60 points. The winner was St Peters Cambridge.
Overall it was an enjoyable evening, I definitely had fun, and learnt some interesting facts about Japan as well.
Monday, 15 June 2015
A Memior
In English at school we are focusing on memoirs. This is a snapshot in time of a memory, usually in present tense. We are writing ours on a childhood game we used to play. I am writing mine about a snowball fight, which we used to do when we lived in England. We have a success criteria we are required to follow.
Success Criteria:
- We have used strong verbs.
- We have used our senses. (appropiatly)
- We have written in present tense.
As soon as I have finished editing I will post it on my blog.
Sunday, 7 June 2015
At school, we are about to move on to our new maths subject, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, which I desperately need to improve on. We have just finished Geometry, which I know I learnt a lot in, including enlargement, centre of enlargement, and bisecting lines and angles.
I hope to get a better understanding of rates and ratios in this new topic, as well as converting fractions to percentages and decimals, as well other skills I need.
School Life
"So You Think You can Dance" Competition
Last Wednesday, my school hosted a dance competition, So you Think you Can Dance, which I was a part of. We performed twice, once during the day for the school to watch, and once in the evening, which was the actual performance. Altogether, there were around 20 groups who were part of the competition, and some special guest performers at the end.I was in a group 7 along with Rose (see blog) and Ellie (see blog). We danced to a mix of two songs, It's on from Camp Rock and We Go Together from Grease, so our dance was mainly musical theatre with a bit of hip hop. We were extremely surprised and grateful to come first place!
There was a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, as well as two audience response awards, which one of them was won by the teachers, The Tutu Crew. Altogether it was an amazing experience filled with laughter, fun, and of course, dancing.
While I'm here, I would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Allan, for organising the whole competition, and dealing with 20 groups of dancers. You coped amazingly, and we are all grateful.
To the two hosts, Brooke and Zoe, you did a fantastic job. You were funny, clever, and your script was appropriate for the occasion, and evidently well thought through.
To the technicians up in the box, for all the lighting, the slideshows, and basically anything that uses electricity.
And finally, the people in my group. You all put your best foot forward (literally!) and worked hard to complete the dance.
Thank you to all, and others that were a part of it, that I haven't listed here.
Monday, 1 June 2015
Visual Art
British Nurse Uniform |
For Tech Arts, at the very moment I am in Art. We are doing paintings in World War 1, painting either Gallipoli or Flanders Field. We had to have a foreground, a mid-ground, and a background, as well as a symbol to show which army was represented. In each level, there had to be action.
I decided to set mine at Gallipoli, on board a British hospital boat, facing the beach. Below are the details.
Foreground: A British nurse, holding a bowl and rag looking down.
Mid-ground: Stretchers with wounded soldiers on them, a doctor and another nurse moving between them, applying bandages and checking up on them.
Background: The sea, with boats coming across with more wounded. The actual beach, with boats being pushed off, and trenches.
Symbol: An armband on the nurse, with the Union Jack on it. The Union Jack flag being flown on the hospital boat, and the boats coming across. The red cross flag, to symbolise the hospital, also being flown and on the mid-ground nurse.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
A Ballad
In school we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi, and all the reasons why it was necessary. We watched a collection of short clips, called Muskets, Missionaries, Whalers and Openness and Change. Using this information, we then wrote a ballad, a type of poem that has a certain rhyming pattern and shares information. We had to have a stanza for each video we watched, and more if we wanted to.
This is mine, hope you like it!
The Treaty of Waitangi
The musket wars were long and horrendous
This latest new gun armed the offenders
Tribal boundaries bounced and rolled
Alliances changed, Europeans were told
Their trade was needed, to make strong the weak.
The Maori lived 100,000 strong
And to Aotearoa they did belong
When missionaries came
Nothing stayed the same
Writing, reading, religions, all were changed.
200 Europeans came along
Most killed the whales and their mournful song
They were out at sea for months at a time
And so decided to commit crime
And drink and fight with no care for their kind.
Maori knew and secretly worried
And yet they loved trade, so whalers weren't harried
The Maori woman, strong and fair
Were married to Europeans, to love and care
So whalers had now protection and peace.
In 1839 William Hobson arrived
Laws were changed, land agents were deprived
Private Land Sale was to be banned
January 29th, t'was agreed hand to hand
Justice, sincerity, and good faith lead the way.
February 4th was the day of the draft
Where William Hobson began to craft
The Treaty that would, bring about changes
Some good some bad all formed bridges
Between all people, alike and diverse.
By 1840, 500 chiefs had signed
The Treaty was global, all people signed a kind
It brought around peace, at least for an age
And it helped people, begin a new page
The Treaty of Waitangi.
Saturday, 23 May 2015
The Final Challenge
An Audit of My Blog
We are now at the very end of the 2015 Student Blogging Challenge. I'm glad my class decided to join it as it has been entertaining and a great learning experience.
This week, we have three tasks, to write an audit, then ask someone else to look around your blog, and ask them to write one.
To evaluate the Student Blogging Challenge itself.
Finally, to fill in a form on the Blogging Challenge website.
This is my audit on my blog.
I wrote....
16 For Student Blogging Challenge
6 School posts
1 Personal, in my own time.
Altogether (so far) I have written: 23
I am going to start writing more in my time, as the challenge as stopped, so it won't be my priority.
Who they are from:
Mrs Hogg: 2
Brooke: 1
Rosa: 1
Renee: 2
Kaye: 1
Olivia: 1
Emily (not me): 5
Altogether I have received: 13
Where they are from:
New Zealand
I received the most comments on Student Blogging Challenge where I introduced the Challenge, and why I thought it was a good idea.
I think someone commented on it because I was introducing something new, had added a picture, and links. I then replied, which got a conversation going, which equals more comments.
My favourite post to write was the "Let's Travel" challenge, when I went to Egypt. I think because I planned it out the most, and spent the most time finding places out, I enjoyed writing about it more. Also, in real life, I would love to go to Egypt, and hope to sometime in the future.
I haven't changed themes at all, I liked Ethereal from the start, and stuck with it. My colours haven't changed either, I mainly followed this key, blue for main text, red for headings, and green for anything else, but sometimes changed it up a bit.
I think I may need a few more widgets to fill up the side a bit, it looks empty as you scroll down to real the other posts, so that is a future goal, as well as getting a title bit for the top.
I don't actually have a blog roll, I have a page with five students from over seas, for Count out Three.
So far, I haven't used any web tools, when I tried to get them onto my blog, it wouldn't work properly, so I'm still trying to work this out. When I have, I will add them to my posts.
Thursday, 14 May 2015
The Penultimate
This week (the second to last!) we are doing a post on animals.( Click here for a list on important things to include in your post.)
I decided to do mine on pandas, which are my favourite, and how they are endangered.
All About Them
There are two species of panda, the Red Panda and the Giant Panda. Both species are native to Asia, but live in different areas. The Giant Panda lives I only in isolated bamboo forests in China while the red lives there, as well as Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
Some think their names comes from the Nepalese word "ponya" which means "bamboo". There is surprisingly quite a bit of difference between the two species.
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The Giant Panda |
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The Red Panda |
The Giant Panda
The giant panda is part of the bear family, and is known to be the most gentle out of it's relatives. It is a herbivore, and can eat up to nearly 80 pounds (36.4 kg) of bamboo each day, as this is their main diet, but they have also been known to eat things like honey, eggs, fish, and fruits like oranges and bananas, and when food is scarce, small rodents and other animals. The giant panda spends up to 16 hours of it day eating. It's average height is usually between five - six feet high which is roughly the height of an average human. There average weight is more than 200 pounds which is around 91 kg. They are a big aspect in Chinese culture.
The Red Panda
Red pandas are actually not bears, they are something between a fox and a cat. It's diet is similar to a giant panda, mainly consisting of bamboo, but also berries, mushrooms, acorns, and a different grasses.
Their average height is roughly 24 inches (61 cm), and at their heaviest they weigh in around 13 pounds (5.9kg), so they are significantly smaller than the giant panda.
Why They Are Endangered
Red pandas are classified as 'vulnerable' and there around 10,000 in the wild. The main threats are considered to be habitat loss and trapping. Humans keep on transforming there natural habitat for there own purposes, which gives them less space, and leaves them unable to migrate. Red pandas are also trapped and killed in traps meant for other animals that were set for hunting.
In some rare cases, red pandas are hunted for their fur, which gets transformed into clothing. They also have a low birth rate.
Giant pandas are endangered for much the same reasons, habitat loss and low birth rate. Giant pandas are picky when it comes to mating, and often they only litter one to two cubs, which find it hard to survive in the wild, as they are only four to eight ounces.
I think this is a cruel way to treat such amazing, and culturally significant animals. What did they ever do to us? Please help raise awareness by spreading the word, either through your blogs or tell your friends, and hopefully we can save the pandas from a horrific fate.
Monday, 11 May 2015
Week 8 - Student Blogging Challenge
Let's Travel
This is the last stage of my journey I will plan out on my blog. I am going to Japan, and staying there for two weeks in Tokyo, the capital, at Citadines Shinjuku Hotel, for $1687. While here I will need a working permit, as I would like a job to get to know the locals.
Here is what I will need for a working permit:
A job offer (I will apply two months before arriving in Tokyo.)
A valid passport
A visa from the country I live. (For me, New Zealand.)
Everything is valid and proper, with no irregularities, or I may not be allowed in the country.
I will try to get a job that includes working around people, using Japanese, maybe in a café or assisting in a school, to improve my own language skills, and get to know the people and there culture. I will try to get a four day job, so I have three days a week for travelling.
In my spare time, here is where I will go: (Linked to the website)
And many more, as there are hundreds to go to.
I will allow myself $200 for extra fees I didn't plan.
$200 for shopping, Taxis, and trains.
$100 for emergencies.
$100 for eating out.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Week 8 - Student Blogging Challenge
Let's Travel
My next destination is Europe where I will be travelling around Wales in the United Kingdom, but not working, so I will not need a working permit. I have relatives there, so I will be paying a visit to them.
I will stay three weeks over there. For this one I will plan out my budget. My limit price is $3380.
Milford Haven
I will arrive at Milford Haven on the 18th of March, and stay for two nights at the Lord Nelson Hotel, which will cost $269. I will then travel to Saundersfoot, and take a train round to Llanelli, which will cost $28.80.
In the day and a bit I am there, I will visit: (These are linked to the website)
Milford Haven Heritage & Maritime Museum
Torch Theatre
Alfseren Collectables
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
I will stay at Llanelli for a day, and will stay at the Stradey Park Hotel, which will cost $165.
While here I will visit:
National Wetlands Centre (Also linked to website.)
Heart of Wales of Line Form
From here I will catch a taxi to Swansea, which will cost $40.00.
I will stay here for nine nights, at the Windsor Lodge Hotel, for $837.
While here I will visit:
My family
Celtic Trail
Touchwood Aquilegia Garden
Swansea Beach
River Tawe Cruise Swansea
And many more I f I get the chance. Click on any activities above to go to the website I found them on.
From here I will catch a coach to Cardin for $14.20c.
I will stay here for the remains of the three weeks, which is nine days, to have a rest from all the travelling. I would stay at Mercure Cardiff Holland House Hotel, for $2417.
While here I will visit:
Cardiff Indoor Flea Market
And many more, as there are hundreds of places to explore.
My Budget:
Hotels total: $2851
+ Transportation total: $83
Other transportation: $100
Ticket fares: $60
Shopping: $70
Necessities: $100
Eating out: $60
Emergency: $40
Total: $3364
I will give myself $100 for any additional taxi or train rides, more if it is an emergency.
For Museum tickets, art galleries and things like that I will give myself $60, as I think I will go to quite a few.
For shopping, $70, as I will be doing more sightseeing.
For necessities, $50 - $100, because I don't know what I will need.
For eating out or anything like that, $60.
Just in case emergency money, $40.
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