Monday, 23 March 2015

The Block

The Block
I think the day went well, I definitely enjoyed it, which was important with bonding with the group. I think we connected well, and worked better together as the day progressed.

We could have probably spent more time on the quiz, which would have set up the day better, point wise. The shelter could have been improved on, if we had more time and better equipment.

The group next to us set up their tent efficiently, and effectively solved their problem about a missing part:they also decorated well.

This relates to the Central Idea (Individuals impact can impact on a community's ability to function effectively) because we all had an unspoken role to play, that we all understood, and pitched in without complaint when something needed doing, which doesn't happen everyday. 
Overall I had a enjoyable day, that I would do again If I got a chance.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Again, Week Three

Activity 9 - Zoom Out

                                        Dedulo Photos morgue Files

What do you see? Please post a comment (one sentence per person) setting the scene around this eye. What do you think is there? Where is she? ( I'm presuming it's a she, as they are wearing mascara!) What is she doing? Is there anyone else by her?

Week three, Student Blogging Challenge

Activity 11

This week one of the choices for activities was to make a jigsaw. I got this image from Morgue Files, the artist is Acrylic Artist. I f you would like to have a go then here are some links to help you. Just click on this photo to go to the jigsaw to solve it.

For photos:

Morgue Files

Open Clipart


To create the Jigsaw, I went to:

Jigsaw Planet

Have fun making your own!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Student Blogging Challenge Week Three


I sit watching the world go by, waves lapping, seagulls cawing, my feet curled into the sand, my book left forgotten on my lap. I am alone in this small paradise, free, just me and my thoughts.  As I stare into the horizon, I notice  disturbance out at sea. I get up from under my parasol and walk to the waters edge, the waves enticing me in to it's depths, stroking my toes. I squint, trying to see further than my eyes are capable, and gasp as I realize what I am looking at is a ........................

Feel free to finish the story how you like, but please make sure it is appropriate. Thank you!

Thursday, 12 March 2015


The following poems are from two different years, to see the comparison. Please comment about your views on my poems.

Year 6:


It breathes
In our
Whispering it's secrets
An instrument
Try to catch it
It will run
Try to copy it
It escapes your
All you can do is
Shape it.

By Emily

Year 8:

Woman of the Future

I am a child of all things in my past.
I am my mother's sandy face
My father's blue eyes
Passed down through generations.

I am all I see.
Terminals at Heathrow, overflowing with people
The first breathtaking sight if New Zealand
Watching the sun sink behind Pirongia
Turning to see home on a hill.

I am all I hear.
"Emily, we are going!"
" Do you remember...."
"Make a wish!"

Holly Drive children, meeting on bikes
Laughing and shouting, enjoying freedom.

I am all I feel and taste.
Warm wool in need of a cut
Worn covers if favourite books
Cremated marsh mellows from the homemade fire pit
And Nannie's trifle, smothered in cream.

And all I remember.
Grandparents hugging goodbye as we enter customs
Jet lagged first days, recuperating at home
Parsnip and Yoda's adoring eyes, boring into mine
Fish and chips at the beach, contemplating life.

I am all I've been taught.
"Tears before bedtime!"
"The world is your oyster."

I am all I think.
Inexpressible love for family
Comparison been books and real life.

I am all these things.
I'm like the sun
And these things a passing cloud.
But one day I'll shine,
Unhindered and free
I'm a woman of the future.

So what do you think?

How To Make a Good Comment

Have you ever wanted to make a comment on your friends blog that was worthwhile, but ended up with,

" Hey, I totes love your blog, check out mine at........."

or something similar? Well, this is the right place for you. So sit back, get a cup of tea and a biscuit, and read on!

Step 1:   Be Specific

Make sure that you are specific with what you are saying.  If you liked their blog, say what you liked about it. If you are giving feed forward, don't babble on, get straight to the point, but be polite.

Step 2: Give Compliments

There's nothing better than getting that warm fuzzy feeling when you read something nice about yourself. Giving compliments is a really nice way to comment, It makes the blog owner feel good about themselves, and it could give them a confidence boost to post more. But make sure the comment is specific (see above) and worth reading.

Step 3:   Relate to the author

If there is something you can relate to in the post, (eg: A place you both went to, something you both like, or something you've both seen, then comment on it. I t gives you a connection with the author, and might encourage them to tell you more.

Step 4:   Ask Questions

everyone likes being questions that only they can answer, it gives them a sense of supiority. Ask useful questions, like,

Do you know anything else about the Great Wall of China? What's the history behind it?"

Things that they haven't already included into their post. This can also encourage further discussions.

Step 5:   Feed Forward

It's useful to give people feed forward, as it gives them a chance to improve their blogs and literature skills. But just make sure you do it in a polite way, or you may appear rude. For example:

Don't say

" Why did you say ......... on your post, it is just soooooo weird. Who would do that?"


" Not being to be rude or anything, but......."

because if you really didn't want to be rude, you wouldn't say it. Instead, maybe put something on like

"I really liked the way you did this, maybe in the future you could......"

This sounds more polite, and you have also complimented them.


Well that's that. Hopefully you're on you way to a future filled with careful commenting. I hope you learnt from this post, and feel free to keep coming to my blog foe new ideas.

Happy blogging!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Student Blogging Challenge

Our class has decided to enter the Student Blogging Challenge 2015. I think this will be a great opportunity to improve our blogs, and for any future ones. Check my Blog for the next couple of weeks for anything new. I f you would like to know more, here is the website.
There is also information on our class blog.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

My App Review

Harry Potter App Review

I tried all of the games, I found some questions challenging, while others were easier, which I think is good, as it give you a chance to get questions right.

I think the title is  bit misleading, I thought it would be from Harry Potters actual world, (e.g: Divination, Quidditch, Potions, Stupefy, Expellimarmus, e.t.c) rather than the actual books vocabulary, so a change in title could be a good idea.

For prior knowledge, you need a fairly wide vocabulary, and are good at estimation, as there is a lot of guess work. I think this game is directed towards students our age, as I think we are old enough to understand the book and it's hidden messages.