Tuesday 25 August 2015

Waikato Science Fair

Last week on Friday, the people from my school, including me, went to Hamilton Gardens for the Waikato Science Fair. We got interviewed about our projects, and were free to wonder around and look at everyone else's exhibits.

At our school, to got into the Waikato Science Fair, you had to get through the Berkley one. I was extremely surprised and grateful to get through, as everyone did a really good job. Completing a Science Fair project, especially if it's your first is a really big achievement.

As well people who entered a board, there were also some really amazing Scientific Drawings and Photography from Berkley as well.

I think our whole school did an amazing job, and we should all be really proud.

While I'm here, I would like to say a few thank yous. Mrs Hogg, for keeping track of my work, proof-reading, and getting the guillotine for everyone in the class.

Mrs Dromgool, for helping me develop my initial idea, and letting me borrow some equipment.

My mum, for using your highlighting skills when proof-reading my work, and helping me with presenting my board.

And finally, my dad, with out you, my Science Fair would have been reduced to a baking soda and vinegar volcano. You helped me with all things technical, proof-read and proof-read again my work, and put up with hundreds upon thousands of questions, most of them repeated, because I had forgotten the answer.

Thank you to you all, I couldn't have done it without you!

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