Thursday 23 April 2015

Week 6

Stranded On A Desert Island

You are stranded on a desert island with only your family on the clothes on your back. How would you relax in your free time? What sort of games would you play? You wouldn't want to waste to much energy, or get to dehydrated so what is just right? Here is a list of what I would do:

Hang man or noughts and crosses in the sand.
Building a shelter competition ( Have parents to set requirements and could then use them to sleep in at night.
Check the water is safe and go for a swim.
Climb safe trees.
Write a diary on a leaf with beetle or berry juice
Cloud gaze
Forage for food
Play long jump, leap frog, tag when cooler in evenings
Collect fire wood for a fire
Collect any rubbish on beach that could be useful (e.g: string, shards of glass to start a fire, bottles to collect water e.t.c)
  The List is endless.
If you have any suggestions please comment below.

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